搜索结果: 1-15 共查到“凹凸棒石 crystal chemistry”相关记录22条 . 查询时间(0.284 秒)
Mechanisms and Crystal Chemistry of Oxidation in Annite: Resolving the Hydrogen-Loss and Vacancy Reactions
Annite Biotite Crystal Chemistry Differential Thermal Analysis Ferrioxyannite Gas Chromatography Mossbauer Spectroscopy
Abstract: A synthetic octahedral-site-vacancy-free annite sample and its progressive oxidation, induced by heating in air, were studied by powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), Mössbauer spectroscopy,...
Comparative high-pressure crystal chemistry of karrooite, MgTi2O5, with different ordering states
high-pressure different ordering states
Twokarrooitecrystals,onewithadisorderparameter(X TicontentintheM1site)
of0.070(5)andtheotherwith X 0.485(5),weremountedtogetherinonediamond-anvil
Crystal chemistry of Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1
Crystal chemistry Mg-, Fe-bearing muscovites-2M1
Phengitic muscovite-2 M1crystals [[12](K0.88 20.99Na0.01 20.09Ca0.00 20.06Ba0.00 20.01)[6](Al1.64 21.88Fe210.06 20.29Fe Mg0.00 20.16Mn0.00 20.07Ti0.00 20.06)[4](Si2.87 23.30Al0.70 21.13)(OH)1.56 22.07...
Crystal structure-crystal chemistry relationships in the zeolites erionite and offretite
Crystal structure-crystal chemistry relationships zeolites erionite offretite
This study clarifies the crystal structure variations and relationships in the zeolites eri-onite and offretite. The crystal structure analyses used Rietveld analysis of X-ray powder diffraction data,...
Crystal chemistry of the zeolites erionite and offretite
Crystal chemistry zeolites erionite offretite
Many known occurrences of the zeolites erionite and offretite have been characterized by electron probe microanalysis, X-ray powder diffraction, and optical microscopy. For the first time, a substanti...
Bamfordite, Fe3+ Mo2O6(OH)3·H2O, a new hydrated iron molybdenum oxyhydroxide from Queensland, Australia: Description and crystal chemistry
Fe3+ Mo2O6(OH)3·H2O hydrated iron molybdenum oxyhydroxide Description crystal chemistry
Bamfordite from the abandoned W-Mo-Bi mines at Bamford, Queensland, Australia, is a new hydrated iron molybdate with a unique structure. This mineral formed by oxidation of molybdenite, MoS2, in the p...
Comparison of the crystal chemistry of selected MSi6O15-based silicates
Comparison crystal chemistry MSi6O15-based silicates
ThestructuresoffourA MSi O (!nH O)silicates(A NaorK,M NdorY)recently3 6 15 2determinedbytheauthorsarecomparedwithoneanotherandwiththestructuresofrelated
Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopites
Clintonite-1M:Crystal chemistry relationships associated Al-rich phlogopites
Crystal-structurere?nementswereperformedonclintonite-1M crystals[idealcompo-sitionCa (Mg Al) (SiAl )O (OH) ]fromskarnsofthePredazzo-MonzoniareaandAdamelloMassif(northernItaly)withtheaimofcharacterizin...
Crystal chemistry of forsterite: A first-principles study
Crystal chemistry forsterite first-principles study
Molar volumes of mixing of almandine-pyrope and almandine-spessartine garnets and the crystal chemistry and thermodynamic-mixing properties of the aluminosilicate garnets
Molar volumes almandine-pyrope almandine-spessartine garnets crystal chemistry thermodynamic-mixing properties aluminosilicate garnets
Crystal chemistry of superfluorous phase B (Mg10Si3O14F4): Implications for the role of fluorine in the mantle
Crystal chemistry superfluorous phase B(Mg10Si3O14F4) Implications role mantle
superhydrousphaseB,MgSi O F .Twinnedcrystalsweresynthesizedusingasplit-
Structural behavior, crystal chemistry, and phase transitions in substituted leucite: High-resolution neutron powder diffraction studies
Structural behavior crystal chemistry phase transitions substituted leucite High-resolution neutron powder diffraction studies
High-resolution neutron powder diffraction was used to study phase transitions in theleucite phases of KAlSi206, RbAlSi20", CsAlSi206, and KFeSi206. Thetemperature-depen-dent structural behavior invol...
An XAFS study of the crystal chemistry of Fe in orthopyroxene
XAFS crystal chemistry Fe orthopyroxene
X-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) spectra at the Fe Kedge in Bamble enstatite (Mgo88Feo,,)Si03 wereanalyzed in conjunction withtheoretical XAFSspectra to determine the bonding configuration of Fe...
X-ray structure refinements of tremolite at 140 and 295 K: Crystal chemistry and petrologic implications
X-ray structure refinements tremolite chemistry petrologic implications
Anear-end-member natural tremolite, N!lo.o,Ca1.97M~.9sFeo.Q3Alo.oISis.oo022(OH)2' was studied bysingle-crystal X-raydiffraction at 140and 295Kto seek a possible crystal-chemicalexplanation for the typ...
Crystal chemistry and IR spectroscopy of Cl- and SO4-bearing cancrinite-like minerals
Crystal chemistry IR spectroscopy Cl- SO4-bearing cancrinite-like minerals
CI-and S04-bearing cancrinite-like mineralsfrom Italian localities werestudied by meansofEPMA,X-raydiffraction, and IR spectroscopy to relate their chemicalcompo-sition, IR data, and structural featur...