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南京农业大学农学院《Nature Communica》在线发表万建民课题组“A toxin-antidote system contributes to interspecific reproductive isolation in rice”(图)
万建民 基因 栽培
2023年11月19日,南京农业大学万建民院士团队在Nature Communications在线发表了题为“A toxin-antidote system contributes to interspecific reproductive isolation in rice”的研究论文,揭示了两个紧密连锁的基因组成一个毒药-解毒(toxin-antidote)元件,可选择性败育不包含该元件的花粉...

南京农业大学农学院《Nature Reviews Earth & Environment》发表水稻栽培团队“Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation in rice agriculture”(图)
水稻栽培 数据推测
2023年9月27日,南京农业大学农学院水稻栽培团队应邀在Nature Reviews系列刊物Nature Reviews Earth & Environment(影响因子42.1)上发表了题为“Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation in rice agriculture”的综述文章,系统梳理和综述了稻田温室气体排放特征、驱动因子和减排策略。

湖南杂交水稻研究中心论著:《Hybrid Rice and Food Security》(图)
湖南 杂交水稻 研究中心 《Hybrid Rice and Food Security》

南京农业大学农学院《Plant Cell》发表宋庆鑫教授团队“Asymmetric variation of DNA methylation during domestication and de-domestication of rice”(图)
宋庆鑫 水稻栽培 基因

南京农业大学农学院《Environmental Science & Technology》发表水稻栽培团队“Unexpected parabolic temperature dependency of CH4 emissions from rice paddies”(图)
水稻栽培 低碳排放
气候变暖日益加剧,而稻田甲烷(CH4)排放对气温升高的响应依旧扑朔迷离即正响应、负响应或无响应都常被报道。南京农业大学丁艳锋教授团队联合国内外优势团队发现稻田CH4排放对气温升高响应的不确定性主要由淹水期背景气温导致,即适中的背景温度下响应强而低温或高温响应弱。增温导致的稻田CH4的增排效应被主流模型严重低估。相关研究成果以“Unexpected parabolic temperature dep...

白建江(2021)SLAF-Based linkage map construction and QTL mapping of nitrogen use efficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.) (图)
氮素 水稻 Nipponbare OM052 氮肥利用率

南京农业大学农学院《Nucleic Acids Research》发表张文利课题组“Genome-wide characterization of i-motifs and their potential roles in the stability and evolution of transposable elements in rice”(图)
Nucleic Acids Research 张文利 胞嘧啶甲基化 栽培稻亚种
2022年2月22日,农学院张文利课题组在Nucleic Acids Research上发表了题为“Genome-wide characterization of i-motifs and their potential roles in the stability and evolution of transposable elements in rice”的研究论文。该研究首次通过发展iM-I...
Reducing nitrogen surplus and environmental losses by optimized nitrogen and water management in double rice cropping system of South China
Nitrogen use efficiency N management Water management N surplus Environmental N losses
Responses of Rice to Rhizoctonia solani and its Toxic Metabolite in Relation to Expression of Osmyb4 Transcription Factor
disease Oryza sativa resistance Rhizoctonia sheath blight transcription factor
The reaction of IR 50, TRY 3, and IR 36 cultivars of rice to R. solani challenge, the causal agent of sheath blight, and
its toxic metabolite was studied. Differential response of these cultivars to ...

中国水稻研究所Rice Science期刊被SCI收录(图)
Rice Science期刊 收录
2017年11月29日,我所主办的国际性专业学术期刊Rice Science(水稻科学)英文刊收到科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics,原汤森路透知识产权与科技事业部)的通知,自2017年起,Rice Science被SCIE(Science Citation Index Expanded)数据库收录。Rice Science正式成为中国农科院继Journal of Integrati...

《Meta-Impact Assessment of the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium》(图)
Meta-Impact Assessment of the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium Rejesus R.M. Martin A.M. Gypmantasiri P.
The report assseses the impact of a selection of natural resource management technologies rolled out in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

《Management strategies for weedy rice in Asia》(图)
Management strategies for weedy rice in Asia Bhagirath Singh Chauhan
Rice is the principal source of food for more than half of the world population. In Asia, it is commonly grown by manual transplanting of seedlings after tillage in wet conditions. In recent years, ho...
Extent of technological change in rice cultivation over four decades in West Bengal, India
factor contributor green revolution HYV seed spatial change technological change Total Factor Productivity
Rice is a principal food crop which occupies nearly a one-fourth of the gross irrigated area in India. However, the present study attempts to judge the essence of the Green Revolution in rice cultivat...
Field evaluation of selected NERICA rice cultivars in Western Kenya
NERICA upland rice yield moisture stress Kenya
Food shortage is a major problem in sub-Saharan Africa as population increases. NERICA (New Rice for Africa), the high yielding rice cultivars with short growth cycle were developed to solve the food ...